18 October 2002


I am sharing my kitchen with a wee timorous beastie. Well actually not so timorous, the little bastard tried to make off with my wooden spoon the other night.
Anyway this is a whole deal for me. I got out a mousetrap I had left over from my student flat days but I don't think I can actually use it.
This is for a number of reasons,
There is my general wimpiness, of course.
My tendency to over empathise and anthropomorphise.
And YoYo and CoCo, the pet mice I had when I was 9.
Plus, I have absolutely no right to kill another living creature just because he is an inconvience.
I believe in a reverence for life, all life. We should not kill another being without thought or without neccesity. It would be nice if we did not do it at all. But reverence for life should mean that we respect life for what it is, not what we would like it to be. So we respect that carnivores kill and mice scavenge and that we have to eat something. That our footsteps may snuff out insects, that we destroy colonies everytime we brush out teeth.
So never killing anything is neither possible or ultimately right. Sometimes we have no choice. When we do have the choice though, we should make it, not just react.
It is not right to kill my nightly visitor when I have other options, I don't want too and I am not gonna.
But I don't really want a flatmate. We have reached a compromise, ok I have. I imagine that he is just going on his mousie way. I was trying to starve him out, send the "no easy living here" message, but since he chewed through the lid of my vegemite jar (tenacious little bugger eh?), I have left it out for him and he has left the rest of the stuff alone.
Still he really really has to go.
I tried Trinity, thought she could leave her scent all over the kitchen, maybe scare him off. But, I have said it before , TWIT. She was much more interested in stalking me.
So, guess I'll have to find some kind of non-lethal trap.

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